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According to Merriam-Webster, a Curmudgeon is “a person who is easily annoyed or angered and who often complains.” On January 29th each year we celebrate our Curmudgeons. This is the day for complainers. The day for the fussers, the sourpusses, and the bellyachers. Curmudgeons Day is celebrated every year on the birthday of the icon of Curmudgeons, W.C. Fields. He and many of the characters he played were usually quite curmudgeonly.
Face it, we love curmudgeons! What else could explain the love affair we all have with GRUMPY CAT? Even non-cat people are drawn to her. Why do we love GRUMPY, one of Snow White’s seven dwarfs? In other words, curmudgeonly-ness is in. So is: grouchiness, crabbiness, and many other cantankerousness-type feelings.


On Curmudgeons Day, celebrate all the cantankerous sourpusses you know! Yourself too if you are a curmudgeon. Or be a curmudgeon for the day. Get your cranky on, watch a curmudgeonly movie, and just generally wallow in your curmudgeon-ness.

  • Spend the day feeling curmudgeonly.

If you are a curmudgeon yourself (go ahead and admit it), spend the day immersing yourself in all those curmudgeon feelings you have but don’t express throughout the year. This is your day!


  • Celebrate the curmudgeon(s) in your life.

Not feeling grumpy? Celebrate the curmudgeon(s) in your life instead. See if you can put a smile on their sourpusses.


  • Watch a curmudgeonly movie.

There are many movies featuring the beloved Curmudgeon but some of the popular ones include:

  • Grumpy Old Men
  • Dennis the Menace
  • Gran Torino


  • Celebrate W.C. Fields

You can spend the day watching movies featuring the man the day is celebrated for, W.C. Fields. Two of his movies are:

  • My Little Chickadee
  • It’s a Gift