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Seal of Contra Costa County

CCSLS is working in collaboration with several nonprofit partners to advocate for more Measure X funding to be directed towards safety net services for older adults across the county. In order for this to succeed, we need local citizens to speak up to the Measure X Community Advisory Board so they can hear community support in favor of funding for seniors. There are a couple ways to do this:
1) Submit a signed email (click here to download sample email);
2) Make comments in support at the appropriate time during the scheduled meetings (listed below). Click here to access talking points.

Below is an updated list of opportunities for public comment:

  • Nov. 15 at 5pm – Measure X Community Advisory Board (MXCAB) meets to begin to formulate funding recommendations to Board of Supervisors (BOS).
  • Nov. 28th at 9am – Joint MXCAB & BOS meeting.  Will focus on reports from departments on the status/impact of MX-funded projects; the BOS will also hear an update on additional funds (beyond the confirmed $4.67 million) that might be available to add to the pot.
    • Meeting details: Board Chambers 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez | | Call in: 888-278-0254 access code 843298#
      Special Meeting Items Due: SHORT-CUTOFF Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at noon 
  • Nov. 29 at 5pm – MXCAB special meeting to finalize recommendations to BOS.
  • Dec. 12 at 9am – BOS considers MXCAB recommendations, department requests, and other public input, and determines funding allocations for remaining MX dollars.

Thank you for helping advocate for seniors in our county.