It is important for everyone to plan for the future. A lot of people already do that with calendars, agendas, and online scheduling applications. An important aspect of planning for the future, should also include planning for what happens if you are sick or can no longer speak for yourself. Many find this topic and the topic of planning for one’s death to be a difficult thing to talk about with not only loved ones, but also something hard to come to terms with oneself.
Advance Planning vs Estate Planning
Advance planning is planning for one’s care while considering things like one’s personal values and life goals. Advance planning includes completing documents like the Advance Health Care Directive (“AHCD”) and the Durable Power of Attorney (“DPOA”)1. Estate planning, on the other hand, is planning for what happens to one’s things and/or property after one’s death. Estate planning may include, a will2 or a trust. Documents like the AHCD and DPOA are no longer effective once you die; they are only effective as long as you are alive.
Advance planning also means planning in case you are unable to speak for yourself. In case you are ever unable to speak for yourself, it’s important to discuss with your loved ones what you would want them to do. Completing an AHCD and DPOA helps start that conversation with your loved ones.
When it comes to planning for the future, other things are important as well. For example, you may want to let your loved ones know what accounts you have or if you have an important expense that needs to be paid monthly. It can be overwhelming to think about the many things you would want your loved ones to know about, just in case you are not able to tell them yourself. Many people start an “important documents” folder3 and let their loved ones know where it is. This is a great start and below is a quick checklist about what you should include in your “important documents” folder.
1 Contact CCSLS if you would like assistance in completing these important documents.
2 CCSLS hosts many wills clinics in senior centers around the county. Click here to find help near you.
3 Click here for more detailed information on the “important documents” folder.